Foretify™ V-Suites
V-Suites provide predefined test plans, abstract scenarios, maps, coverage metrics, KPIs, and checkers.
Level 2+ ADAS V-Suite
Use over 20 ADAS functions to start with basic NCAP testing and rapidly scale up to thoroughly stress test the ADAS function for the targeted ODD.
Level 3 Highway Pilot V-Suite
Test the UNECE – ALKS regulation requirements and expands them to real-life situations with unlimited number of variations required to meet the quality and safety goals for L3 systems.
Level 4 Trucking V-Suite
Designed for hub-to-hub autonomous trucking applications covering highway, ramp, and last mile to hub situations. Seamlessly extendable to multiple roads with minimal effort.
Level 4 Mining V-Suite
Includes numerous mining scenarios for machine-level and full-site testing of multiple autonomous and human-driven vehicles of different makes and models.

V&V Plans

Scenario Library


Coverage Goals, KPIs, & Checkers

Supporting safety standards and regulations

Standard based to enable test portability and reuse

Used and proven with multiple customers

Based on Collisions, Incidents, &
Disengagements Reports